Start-Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP)

  • (SVEP) is implemented by Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana –National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM), Ministry of Rural Development, as a sub-scheme since 2016.
  • With an objective to support the rural poor come out of poverty, supporting them setup enterprises and provide support till the enterprises stabilize,
    • SVEP focusses on providing self-employment opportunities with financial assistance and training in business management and soft skills while creating local community cadres for promotion of enterprises.
  • SVEP addresses three major pillars of rural start-ups namely – finances, incubation and skill ecosystems.
  • Activities under SVEP are strategically designed to promote rural enterprises, one of the key areas is to develop pool of community resource persons – enterprise promotion (CRP-EP) who are local and support entrepreneurs setting-up rural enterprises.
  • Another key area is to promote the block resource center (BRC) in SVEP blocks,
    • to monitor and manage the community resource persons,
    • Appraise SVEP loan application and acts as the repository of enterprise related information in the concern block.
  • BRCs play the role to support sustainable revenue model to operate effectively and independently.
  • During the initial years of implementation, the SVEP focused on
    • mobilizing rural communities to setup and strengthen the institution structures,
    • invest on training and capacity building on business management aspects for the BRC members,
    • created pool of CRP-EPs and provided them intensive training,
    • supported the entrepreneurs to scale up their existing enterprises
    • As well as establish and support the new enterprises.
  • SVEP promotes both individual and group enterprises, set-up and promote enterprises majorly on manufacturing, trading and service sectors.
  • The program invested largely on building the capacities of the entrepreneurs to run the businesses profitably based on the local demand and eco-system.