July Mock Test 2

1. Que-1 Consider the following statements about Valmiki National Park, Tiger Reserve and Wildlife Sanctuary

1- It  is located at the India-Nepal border in the West Champaran district of Bihar, India.

2- On the bank of river Ghaghara.

3- It is the only National park in State.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


2. Consider the following statements about The Chalcolithic or Copper Age

1- It  is the transitional period between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age.

2- The first metal age of India is called Chalcolithic Age which saw the use of copper along with stone.

3- People had knowledge of mixing two metals.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


3. Consider the following statements about  Plastic pollution

1- Plastic pollution is most visible in developed countries.

2- Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles (e.g. plastic bottles, bags and microbeads) in the Earth’s environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans.

3- Plastic is a polymeric material—that is, a material whose molecules are very large, often resembling long chains made up of a seemingly endless series of interconnected links.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


4. Consider the following statements about Heat pumps

1- It offer an energy-efficient alternative to furnaces and air-conditioners.

2- A heat pump does not create any heat or cool air, but it merely shifts air.

3- A heat pump is a renewable technology.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


5. Consider the following statements about a new species of land snail, recently in News

1- Named Perrottetia rajeshgopali, is named after one of the country’s top tiger conservationists — Rajesh Gopal.

2- It is the first species of the genus Perrottetia to be described from India in 117 years.

3- Recorded for the first time from Maharashtra’s northern Western Ghats is herbivorous.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


6. Consider the following statements about Polar Blast or Polar Vortex

1- It is a large region of cold, rotating air that encircles both of Earth’s polar regions.

2- Tropospheric polar vortex defined as the area poleward of the tropospheric jet stream.

3- The stratospheric polar vortex  is an area of high-speed, cyclonically rotating winds around 15 km to 50 km high, poleward of 50°, and is strongest in winter.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


7. Consider the following statements about Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Plus (OPEC+)

1- It is a loosely affiliated entity consisting of the 13 OPEC members and 10 of the world’s major non-OPEC oil-exporting nations.

2- OPEC+ aims to regulate the supply of oil in order to set the price on the world market.

3- OPEC+ controls over 95% of global oil supplies and about 90% of proven oil reserves.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


8. Consider the following statements about Unlawful Atrocities Prevention Act (UAPA)

1- Its main objective was to make powers available for dealing with activities directed against the integrity and sovereignty of India.

2- The Constitution (Twenty Third Amendment) Act, 1963 was enacted to impose, by law, reasonable restrictions in the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India.

3- The UAPA, enacted in 1967, was strengthened by the Congress-led UPA government in 2008 and 2012.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


9. Consider the following statements about National Judiciary 

1- Article 233(1) of the Constitution lays down that “appointments of persons to be, and the posting and promotion of, district judges in any State shall be made by the President of in consultation with the High Court exercising jurisdiction in relation to such State”.

2- The 42nd Constitutional amendment in 1976 amended Article 312 (1) empowering Parliament to make laws for the creation of one or more All-India Services, including an All India Judicial Services, AIJS, common to the Union and the States.

3- The First National Judicial Pay Commission found that it would be in the interest and the health of the judiciary to form an AIJS.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


10. Consider the following statements about Aurora on Earth

1- Auroras are caused when charged particles ejected from the Sun’s surface — called the solar wind — enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

2- At the north and south poles, some of these solar wind particles are able to continuously stream down, and interact with different gases in the atmosphere to cause a display of light in the night sky.

3- It is seen from the Earth’s high latitude regions (called the auroral oval), and is active during summer.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


11. Consider the following statements about recent report on Temperature related death in World

1- More than 5 million people die each year globally because of excessively hot or cold conditions.

2- 9.4% of global deaths each year are attributable to heat or cold exposure.

3- More people had died of heat than cold over the two-decade period.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


12. Consider the following statements about Press Trust Of India (PTI)

1- It is headquartered in Mumbai and is a nonprofit cooperative.

2- PTI was registered in 1947 and started functioning in 1949.

3- It provides news coverage and information of the region in both English and Hindi.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


13. Which country has recently issued a commemorative coin marking the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party

a) Nepal

b) Myanmar

c) Sri Lanka

d) Bhutan


14. Consider the following statements about Spiders

1- Spiders are arachnids, a class of arthropods that also includes scorpions, mites, and ticks.

2- Most species are carnivorous, either trapping flies and other insects in their webs, or hunting them down.

3- Though not all spiders produces silk, every species build webs.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


15. Consider the following statements about Smart foam, recently in News

1- They can potentially make robots more intelligent and interactive, as well as improve robotic motion.

2- It is created by mixing fluoropolymer with a substance that lowers surface tension.

3- It can be stretched to more than twice its length and the surface-active agent enables it to self-heal even after being cut.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


16. Consider the following statements about galactic cosmic rays (GCRs)

1- GCRs are composed of fast-moving energetic particles, mostly hydrogen ions called protons, the heaviest and most abundant elements in the universe.

2- GCR originate outside the solar system and are likely formed by explosive events such as supernova.

3- These highly energetic particles consist of essentially every element ranging from hydrogen, accounting for approximately 89% of the GCR spectrum, to uranium, which is found in trace amounts only.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


17. Consider the following statements about Lambda, recently in News

1- It has been the dominant variant of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in Peru and other countries of South America.

2- Recently,  the World Health Organization designated it as the seventh and newest “variant of concern”.

3- Previously known by its formal scientific name C.37

Which of the following given above is/are correct


18. Consider the following statements about Buxwaha diamond mining project

1- Diamond mining is a water-intensive process.

2- The proposed diamond mine project is located in the Buxwaha forests of Chhatarpur district of Uttar Pradesh.

3- Country’s largest diamond reserve.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


19. Consider the following statements about White flag campaign

1- Started in Malaysia by some residents of low-income families.

2- To convey distress about the financial crunch they have had to deal with amid the lockdowns due to Covid-19.

3- To express dissatisfaction with the Malaysian government.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


20. Which Union Minister has recently declared himself the “Brand Ambassador ” of Khadi Prakritk Paint 

a) Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari

b) Shri Raj Nath Singh

c) Shri Amit Shah

d) Shri Narendra Modi


21. Consider the following statements about Mud Volcano

1- It is a landform created by the eruption of mud or slurries, water and gases.

2- They are true igneous volcanoes.

3- About 86% of the gas released from these structures is methane, with much less carbon dioxide and nitrogen emitted.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


22. Consider the following statements about Spacewalk

1- A spacewalk is also called an EVA. EVA stands for extravehicular activity.

2- The first person to go on a spacewalk was Alexei Leonov, from USA. The first spacewalk was on March 18, 1965.

3- Once in their suits for spacewalk, astronauts breathe pure oxygen for a few hours. Breathing only oxygen gets rid of all the nitrogen in an astronaut’s body.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


23. Consider the following statements about Arctic’s ‘Last Ice Area’ , recently in News

1- Located South of Australia.

2- The area is important because it was thought to be able to help ice-dependent species as ice in the surrounding areas melted away.

3- The main cause for the sudden ice loss was extraordinary strong winds that pushed the ice out the region and down the coast of Greenland.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


24. Consider the following statements about Strobilanthes, recently in News

1- It  is a genus of about 350 species of flowering plants in the family Acanthaceae.

2- Mostly native to Europe.

3- Many species are cultivated for their two-lipped, hooded flowers in shades of blue, pink, white and purple.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


25. Consider the following statements about Heat Wave

1- Heatwave over a station is declared only when the actual temperature of the station is 40 degrees Celsius for the plains and 35 degrees Celsius for hilly regions.

2- When the maximum temperature is 40 degree Celsius for coastal stations and 45 degrees Celsius for other stations, conditions are declared as heatwave.

3- A heatwave is declared when the actual maximum temperature is greater than the normal maximum temperature which is greater than 40 degrees Celsius.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


26. Consider the following statements about laws govern cooperative societies

1- Cooperation is in the concurrent list, which means both the central and state governments can govern them.

2- In 2002, the Centre passed a MultiState Cooperative Societies Act that allowed for registration of societies with operations in more than one state.

3- The Central Registrar of Societies is their controlling authority, but on the ground the State Registrar takes actions on his behalf.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


27. Consider the following statements about Nargol village in Umargam taluka of Valsad district, Gujarat, recently in News

1- A SEZ in Nargol has been in the pipeline.

2- The land chosen is among the most fertile for marine life and fruit orchards.

3- Due to this, the local fishermen will be deprived of their livelihood.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


28. Consider the following statements about Enceladus , recently in News

1- Largest  moon of Saturn and the brightest of all its moons.

2- It is mostly covered by fresh, clean ice, making it one of the most reflective bodies of the Solar System.

3- Recently detecting substantial amounts of methane, a possible sign of microbial life, on Enceladus.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


29. Consider the following statements about Methanogens

1- They  are microorganisms that produce methane as a metabolic byproduct in hypoxic conditions.

2- They are Eukaryotes and belong to the domain of archaea.

3- They are common in wetlands, where they are responsible for marsh gas, and in the digestive tracts of animals.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


30. Consider the following statements about Energy usage in IT sector or Data Centres

1- Data centres contribute to 0.3% of all carbon emissions worldwide.

2- Information technology (IT) sector alone accounts for 2% of global emissions.

Which of the following given above is/are correct