May Mock Test 4

1. Consider the following statements about Extraterrestrial materials

1- It  refers to natural objects now on Earth that originated in inner space.

2- It include cosmic dust and meteorites, as well as samples brought to Earth by sample return missions from the Moon, asteroids and comets, as well as solar wind particles.

3- They are of value to science as they preserve the primitive composition of the gas and dust from which the Sun and the Solar System formed.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


2. Consider the following statements about Bog

1- Type of wetland ecosystem characterized by wet, spongy, poorly drained peaty soil.

2- It is one of the four main types of wetlands.

3- It occur where the water at the ground surface is acidic and high in nutrients.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


3. Consider the following statements about meteorite

1- A meteorite is a solid piece of debris from an object, such as a comet, asteroid, or meteoroid, that originates in outer space and survives its passage through the atmosphere to reach the surface of a planet or moon.

2- Meteorites are always named for the planet they were originated.

3- About 86% of the meteorites are chondrites, which are named for the small, round particles they contain.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


4. Consider the following statements about Tropical Cyclone

1- Energy is typically obtained from warm water and humid air over the tropical ocean.

2- A high-pressure system undergoes multiple stages of intensification to form cyclones.

3- Typically, tropical cyclones in the North Indian Ocean region (Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea) develop during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon (October to December) periods.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


5. Consider the following statements about Convalescent Plasma Therapy (CPT)

1- It  uses blood from people who’ve recovered from an illness to help others recover.

2- The donated blood is processed to remove blood cells, leaving behind Platelets and antibodies.

3- It may lessen the severity or shorten the length of the disease.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


6. Consider the following statements about ‘Corpse Flower’, recently in News

1- It is a flowering plant, which is native to the Andaman & Nicobar Island.

2- It is known to be one of the world’s largest ‘unbranched inflorescence’ or a stalk bearing a cluster of flowers.

3- The flower is known for its pungent stench, which is said to be similar to rotting meat or a decaying cadaver.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


7. Consider the following statements about ExoMars

1- It is an astrobiology programme by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the NASA.

2- The goals of ExoMars are to search for signs of past life on Mars, investigate how the Martian water and geochemical environment varies, investigate atmospheric trace gases and their sources.

3- ExoMars begun in 2001 as part of the ESA Aurora program for the human exploration of Mars.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


8. Consider the following statements about CoviSelf, recently in News

1- Anyone can collect their own nasal sample and test it for SARS-CoV-2.

2- It uses a rapid antigen test, in which a nasal swab sample is tested for the virus and gives results within 15 minutes.

3- It has been developed by DRDO.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


9. Consider the following statements about A-76, recently in News

1- Largest iceberg currently afloat in the world.

2- Broke away from Antarctica’s Brunt Ice Shelf.

3- It was spotted in recent satellite images captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


10. Consider the following statements about Plasma– the fourth state of matter

1- Plasma is called the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid, and gas.

2- It is a state of matter in which an ionized substance becomes highly electrically conductive to the point that long-range electric and magnetic fields dominate its behaviour.

3- Plasma can be artificially generated by heating a neutral gas or subjecting it to a strong electric field.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


11. Consider the following statements about Cyclone

1- It is a large scale air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure.

2- Clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere as viewed from above.

3- Cyclones have also been seen on extraterrestrial planets, such as Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


12. Consider the following statements about Bromadiolone

1- It  is a rodenticide used to control rats and mice in around buildings and transport vehicles.

2- It disrupts the recycling of vitamin K.

3- Often called a “super-warfarin” for its added potency and tendency to accumulate in the Kidney of the poisoned organism.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


13. Consider the following statements about Red-eared slider, recently in News

1- Derives its name from red stripes around the part where its ears would be and from its ability to slide quickly off any surface into the water.

2- They  are native to the South America.

3- This turtle is an extremely popular pet due to its small size, easy maintenance, and relatively low cost.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


14. Consider the following statements about Tianwen-1 spacecraft

1- It is an interplanetary mission by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) to send a robotic spacecraft to Mars.

2- Consisting of an orbiter, deployable camera, lander and the Zhurong rover.

3- After  successfully landed on the surface of Mars, China becomes the third space-faring nation after the United States and Russia to land on the Red Planet.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


15. Consider the following statements about Sophisticated Analytical & Technical Help Institutes (SATHI)’ scheme

1- Scheme of Department of Science and Technology.

2- Department of Science and Technology, DST is planned to set up fifty SATHI Centers every year for the next four years.

3- It will address the problems of accessibility, maintenance, redundancy and duplication of expensive equipment in Institutions.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


16. Consider the following statements about Listeria, recently in News

1- It is a genus of bacteria that acts as an intracellular parasite in mammals.

2- Listeria species are Gram-positive, rod-shaped, and facultatively anaerobic and produce endospores.

3- Listeriosis is a serious disease for humans; the overt form of the disease has a case-fatality rate of around 20%.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


17. Consider the following statements about Ozone-depleting chemicals

1- Chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs were globally phased out in 2010.

2- The use of these chemicals is controlled by the Geneva Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer .

3- Ozone depleting potential is a measure of how much damage a chemical can cause to the ozone layer compared with a similar mass of trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11).

Which of the following given above is/are correct


18. Consider the following statements about  Snow Leopard

1- It is listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List.

2- Native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia.

3- It inhabits alpine and subalpine zones at elevations from 3,000 to 4,500 m

Which of the following given above is/are correct


19. Consider the following statements about Sudano-Sahelian Zone

1- It comprises of 16 countries in Africa.

2- The region, one of the poorest in the world, is characterised by fluctuating rainfall and droughts.

3- The savannas, forests, and wetlands of the Sudano-Sahel region form the core belt of the Sudano-Sahelian zone.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


20. Consider the following statements about mRNA vaccines

1- mRNA vaccines need to be stored at much lower temperatures than some other kind of COVID-19 vaccines because RNA is much more stable than DNA, which is due to the sugars that their molecules are made up of.

2- RNA is a single strand, while DNA is expressed as a double-stranded helix.

3- Once the mRNA vaccine is injected into the body, it instructs the body’s cells to create copies of this spike protein.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


21. Consider the following statements about Sharks

1- Overfishing is the biggest threat  for declines in shark populations.

2- Rising water temperatures and coastal development are also contributing to shrinking populations by destroying the mangroves and coral reefs that sharks use for breeding, hunting, and protecting young shark pups.

3- They use Earth’s magnetic forces to travel long distances with accuracy.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


22. Consider the following statements about 2-DG, DRDO’s new oral drug for Covid-19, recently in News

1- Developed by the Biotech Pharma.

2- The drug accumulates in virus-infected cells, and prevents the growth of the virus by stopping viral synthesis and energy production.

3- 2-DG being a generic molecule and an analogue of glucose, it can be easily produced and made available in large quantities.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


23. Consider the following statements about cave art of Sulawesi, recently in News

1- The artwork in the area includes what is believed to be the world’s oldest hand stencil.

2- Created by pressing the hand on a cave wall, and spraying wet red-mulberry pigments over it.

3- The cave art of Europe is much older than the prehistoric cave art of Sulawesi.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


24. Consider the following statements about Herbivores, or plant-eaters

1- As a result of their plant diet, herbivorous animals typically have mouthparts adapted to rasping or grinding.

2- A large percentage of herbivores have mutualistic gut flora that help them digest plant matter, which is much easier to digest than animal prey.

3- They had to eat different kinds of plants and chew harsher materials, so they evolved stronger jaws.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


25. Consider the following statements about Creating a new district

1- The power to create new districts or alter or abolish existing districts rests with the State governments.

2- This can either be done through an executive order or by passing a law in the Lok Sabha.

3- The Home Ministry comes into the picture when a State wants to change the name of a district or a railway station.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


26. Consider the following statements about  Long COVID, recently in News

1- One may develop new symptoms six months to one year after recovering from COVID.

2- Long-term effects may include fatigue, respiratory symptoms, and neurological symptoms.

3- It refers to when people continue to experience symptoms of COVID-19 and do not fully recover for several weeks or months after the start of their symptoms.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


27. Consider the following statements about Council of State

1- The Montagu-Chelmsford reforms led to the formation of the Council of State at the national level in 1909.

2- Government of India Act of 1935 set up bicameral legislatures in Indian provinces.

3- Currently, six states — Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka — have a Legislative Council.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


28. What is each alphabet in  MICE stands for

1- M- Meetings

2- I- Innovation

3- C- Conferences

Which of the following given above is/are correct


29. Consider the following statements about Di-ammonium phosphate or DAP

1- It  is used as a fertilizer.

2- It can be used as a fire retardant.

3- When applied as plant food, it temporarily decreases the soil pH.

Which of the following given above is/are correct


30. Recently, which country has appointed Court of Appeal Judge Martha Koome as the East African country’s first woman chief justice and head of the judiciary.

a) Namibia

b) Somalia

c) Kenya

d) Egypt