IN-Space to Promote Private Investment and Innovation in the Space Sector

  • Government has launched the Indian Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe) to promote private investment and innovation in the space sector.

       IN-SPACe will facilitate and support the Private Sector in the following ways:

  • Provide technical support
  • Share cash intensive facilities
  • Allow to establish temporary facilities in DOS premises
  • Allow to bid for requirements coming from NSIL
  • Partner in science and space exploration missions
  • IN-SPACe is the Institutional and Regulatory mechanism established by Government to facilitate greater private participation. Financial provisions are not covered under this mechanism.

       Private players can participate in:

  • Building satellites
  • Building launch vehicles
  • Carry out launches
  • Develop Applications & provide space based services
  • Develop subsystem and systems for space sector activities