Germany threatens Russia with sanctions

  • Tensions deepened between Germany and Russia over the alleged poisoning of opposition figure Alexei Navalny , with Germany threatening sanctions and Russia accusing Berlin of delaying the investigation it demanded.
  • The Russian opposition leader and anti-corruption campaigner fell ill on a flight last month and was treated in a Siberian hospital before being evacuated to Berlin.
  • Germany said last week there was “unequivocal evidence” that President Vladimir Putin’s top foe had been poisoned using the Soviet-era nerve agent Novichok.
  • Britain said on Sunday that Russia had “a very serious set of questions to answer” and it was “clear” the Kremlin critic was poisoned with Novichok.
  • The Kremlin has denied responsibility for the attack and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that Germany is yet to share any findings with Moscow’s prosecutors.