Giant Radio Galaxies in Universe

  • RESEARCHERS WORKING on giant radio galaxies (GRG), which are large single structures in the universe, have found its largest sample to date.
  • Until 2016, only about 300 GRGs were known since their discovery in 1974 and, from our work, we have found nearly 400 new GRGs; the total is about 820.
  • It is not clearly understood how some objects grow to such large scales and what is the fuel of their respective black holes.
  • Their properties like total mass of their black holes found to be the same.
  • Also, only 10 per cent GRGs are found in dense environments indicating that majority avoid dense surroundings.
  • The universe has billions of galaxies and almost all have supermassive black holes at the centre.
  • Some of these black holes are active and produce jets travelling almost at the speed of light.
  • These jets are visible in radio light or at radio wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Such galaxies, which have active black holes shooting high-speed jets, are called radio galaxies.
  • The study of GRGs gives us important clues to unveiling the physics and phenomenology of the black hole accretion process or,
    • in other words, how these massive black holes accrete mass and the efficiency with which they produce these magnificent jets.