Timelines for Publicity of Criminal Antecedents

  • In continuation of the detailed instructions dated 10.10.2018 and 6.3.2020 issued by ECI in the matter of publicity of criminal antecedents
    • by the contesting candidates as well as by the political parties nominating such candidates,
    • It was discussed at length in the Commission’s meeting recently.
  • Commission decided to further streamline the instructions concerning publicity of criminal antecedents by candidates concerned and by the political parties, who nominate them for elections.

       Highlights of the modified instructions are as follows:

  1. Revised Timeline for Publicity
    • As per the revised guideline, the candidates as well as the political parties, regarding candidates nominated by them, will publish the details of criminal antecedents, if any, in newspapers and television in following manner:
    • First publicity:            Within first 4 days of last date of withdrawal.
    • Second publicity: Within 5th to 8th day of last date of withdrawal
    • Third publicity:          From 9th day till the last day of campaign, i.e. two days prior to date of poll)
    • This timeline will help the voters in exercising their choices in more informed manner.
  1. Regarding the publicity by uncontested winning candidates as well as the political parties who nominate them,
    • it is clarified that uncontested winner candidates as well as the political parties who nominate them shall also publicise the criminal antecedents, if any, as prescribed for other contesting candidates and political parties.